Grounding is one of the most simple and most basic ways to help ourselves.
It’s a balanced state that allows your energy to flow freely and helps you stay centered in the present moment. It’s the antidote to that all over the place out of control feeling that we all get from time to time.
I make sure to teach grounding techniques to all of the people I work with because I consider grounding into your Self and the body Step 1 in the self healing process. Even though it often gets missed, grounding is something everyone that cruised on past it always comes back to.
Honestly, that’s where most people seem to be…
Trying to find that anchor to hold onto as everything around them shifts.
Maybe that’s where you are too and I want you to know that it’s ok.
It’s ok to get blown about by the winds of change.
What matters is whether or not you can stay grounded in who you are while they are ripping and roaring.
Do I need to ground myself?
Grounding is for you if you need an anchor or a guide post.
Grounding is for you if you don’t know where you are going.
Grounding is for you if you keep going through the motions
but in spite of that you feel like something is still missing.
Grounding is for you if you and your emotions aren’t friends
Grounding is for you if you can’t stay focused
Grounding is for you if you feel any pain, even if it’s chronic
Grounding is for you if you have unwanted symptoms or and disease
Grounding is for you if you want to change your life
Grounding is for you if you don’t know where to start
If you’re human, grounding is for you.
We are made up of energy and
Energy needs to be grounded.
Importance of grounding yourself
Grounding has been studied time and time again. All results show that it has numerous benefits like decreasing pain, both physically and emotionally. It has also been show to help with anxiety, depression and several diseases and disorders.
And I’ve seen all of that happen with my clients.
Since I’ve personally witnessed and felt the power of grounding, I wanted to create a resource to help you ground yourself and share that here. I had recorded these videos already and thought they were perfect for the task, so I compiled them below for you.
Scroll down to find several different guided grounding exercises.
I invite you to try each one for a week or two
Find the grounding techniques that work best for you
*Please note that these grounding resources were recorded as part of a
New Moon Commitment Challenge. Disregard the 40 day commitment talk and focus on the
grounding technique instead.
Connecting to the Earth to ground your energy
Small movements that are great grounding exercises
Engage with your root chakra to help ground your energy
A pressure point to help you ground your energy
Quick guided grounding exercise
Grounding with roots to our natural ancestors
Offloading energy to ground yourself
Body Scan Meditation for Grounding
A symbol to channel grounding energy
got a friend or client that could use these resources? please share this page with them.