A Complete Guide to Distance Reiki Healing
Everything you need to know about distance Reiki healing in one place
by Izzy Constant, Reiki Master
Distance Reiki healings are just as powerful across the planet as they are in person. There are many people who say that distance reiki is less effective, but that is simply untrue. Distance Reiki and its healing power is not bound by Earthly things like time, space, and location.
That’s just not how energy works.
What is Reiki?
I have seen over a thousand logical and factual explanations of what Reiki is and they all just leave something to be desired for me. Reiki isn’t just an energy healing method. Reiki isn’t just a lifestyle or following the principles. Reiki, to me, is a connection.
It’s a powerful and ethereal demonstration of our connectedness. It easily shows us our oneness - not only with each other but also with our environment, the trees, and the stars. I like to think about Reiki as our connection because it is.
Reiki is energy and energy is what connects us all. It’s all there is, was and ever will be. It may take different forms and dissipate to assemble new forms but it will not go anywhere. It can’t be created nor destroyed. It is everything we are.
Reiki is just a label for a practical way to channel the energies around us.
We are all channels. That’s right, every single one of us.
Reiki - just scratches the surface on showing us what we are truly capable of.
How does Reiki work long distance?
Energy moves fast. It’s in more than one place at a time because energy doesn’t understand space and time. That’s how distance Reiki works. The energy flows instantly across any distance. We are talking about a quantum level of movement here. It can’t truly be seen or measured by our human tools.
But that is what makes distance reiki work.
Energy is constantly moving around us - flowing in and out and up and down. Distance Reiki is just a practice of channeling and directing energy. If the reiki practitioner can access their energy body and allow channeling - then distance reiki will work.
>>>Read about the two things that can prevent distance Reiki from working.
While Reiki is a traditional method of healing and it does require training - I don’t personally believe that energy healing is meant to be that boxed in though. I think it’s more meant to flow freely. Distance Reiki healings are just one of the many, effective and beautiful distance healing techniques.
Distance energy healing techniques
When you are looking for a reiki healer or anyone to help you with your energy, it’s important to know what distance healing techniques they plan to use. Some people aren’t always very sure of their approach or their knowledge. They follow the books and training instead of the connection. For me, it’s important to choose a reiki healer or spiritual mentor that doesn’t just use one distance healing technique and claim it’s the best.
Reiki (and other varieties of energy healing)
Reiki is a widely known name for a distance healing technique. As the space for healers evolved, so did the idea of Reiki. These days, Reiki is more like an umbrella term. Many people have channeled varying forms of Reiki. There are more traditional forms of Reiki and then there are newer forms of Reiki, like Unicorn Reiki, Angel Reiki and Dragon Reiki.
No matter what the practitioner calls it - it is all the same energy that is being channeled.
Distance healing with elements/planets
A lot of distance reiki practitioners, myself included, channel elemental energy into a person’s chakra system. It’s no different than calling upon the angels or the unicorns - it’s just the energy of the elements.
Reiki with crystals
I prefer to use crystals with my clients when we are working with their energy.
Not everyone does this kind of distance reiki healing. Crystals can be used in a variety of ways during distance reiki but it’s mostly up to the comfort of the client and the practitioner. I always tell anyone I work with that they shouldn’t use stones if they aren’t very familiar with allowing. Stones and their magic are just as much about receiving as Reiki is.
Distance Reiki Benefits
I could give you a long list of benefits of Reiki - like feelings more relaxed, balanced and at peace. I could tell you that it will help you relieve depression and anxiety and can release any blockages that you may have. All of these things are benefits of distance Reiki. But if that’s all I told you, I’d be missing a big part of Reiki and how it works.
The truth is that the benefits of distance reiki are different for every person and in every session. Energy moves to the highest and greatest good of its recipient. There isn’t really any truth in a long list of benefits. The only truth is that the energy will move to serve your greatest and highest good. That’s the only real benefit of Reiki.
Benefits of a Reiki Healing session
At the same time, the benefits of a reiki session are limitless. Each person will experience different benefits. Some feel a release and others feel a bubbling up. Some feel more relaxed and others feel more energized. It depends on the session too. I’ve had clients who feel relaxed and calm after a session on Monday and that very same client will feel amped up and energized after a session on Friday. This is because of how Reiki works.
Reiki serves your greatest and highest good.
It doesn’t work to relieve any specific ailment or pain. It flows to your highest good and for most of us that isn’t what we think it is. For example, if you’re trying to relieve hip pain, then Reiki may bring up something from your childhood that you’re holding onto which is manifesting as the physical pain you feel. You’ll have to work through that to release the hip pain fully.
Since most of us don’t think that way about pain, reiki may not do what you expect but it will always do what you need.
Even though there is no one set of benefits to list, most of the people I’ve worked with describe feeling this during and after a session:
Self Awareness
Energy moving through and out
Relieved symptoms of pain and headaches
Lack of urgent feelings to do
More balanced and in control
How many Reiki sessions are needed?
The answer is not cut and dry. If a practitioner tells you it is, then find someone else. Different ailments may require 5 or 6 sessions while others may require 1. Hollywood would have you believe that everything can be pulled out in 5 minutes with a crystal on the chest - that rarely happens.
Instead, Reiki should be individualized for each person. The number of sessions should be recommended after accessing the client’s energy or knowing a specific diagnosis. This means that Reiki will be different for you every time and how many sessions you need could be different too.
Book a distance Reiki Session
Booking a Reiki session should only happen when you are ready and have found a practitioner you are comfortable with. Don’t book a distance Reiki session if you don’t fully believe in the process or the practitioner. When you’re ready, and if you feel like I’m the Reiki Master for you, click to schedule a donation based reiki healing session.