Self Love Meditation to Balance Venus Energy

This Self love meditation works to help balance the charismatic energy of Venus. Venus energy is mostly about enjoying the pleasures of the senses. The true lesson of this energy is to realize their (our pleasures) place as expressions of the Universal Love. This planet and this Self love meditation teaches us to transform our need for physical love into a need for spiritual love.

Who will benefit from this Self love meditation?

Anyone can benefit from using this Self Love Meditation to balance their Venus energy. It will help anyone be able to recognize the beauty around them and inside themselves. It will help bring enjoyment back into the pleasures of life, yes even the little things.

This Self love meditation will greatly benefit anyone who is challenged by setting standards for themselves that are extremely high. It will also help those who are overly critical of themself and others. People pleasers that often work in vain to save toxic relationships can greatly benefit from doing this Self Love meditation regularly. It's also been known to help people struggling to connect in relationships out of fear and shame.

Preparing for this Self love meditation

You'll want to start by sitting in a comfortable position with a meditative posture. Don't worry if you can't sit cross-legged or in lotus - sit with your back up against the wall and your legs straight out.

Settle into your position and interlace your fingers together and allow your thumbs to rest side by side. Place your interlaced hands into your lap.

Notice your breath. Don't try to control it or count it. Just notice it for at least 4 breaths.

Self love meditation

  • Inhale deeply. As you exhale chant the following as you focus on the vibrations your voice causes in your body.

  • On the exhale - Chant - Om Shukraya Namah (pronounced Ohm-shoo-krah-ya-nahm-ah-ah)

  • Continue to chant on each exhale at least 4 times.

  • Bring one of your hands to the top of your head. Use your intuition to choose which one.

  • With your other hand - hold it up as if you were swearing in at the courthouse.

  • Breath slowly and deeply. Attempt to communicate affection as you exhale. Hold and breathe for at 108 breaths.

  • Extend your arms straight out in front of you, shoulder height, with your palms facing down.

  • Stretch your arms and attempt to focus your closed eyes toward the tip of your chin. If you find this too difficult, focus on the spot behind your third eye Chakra instead. Breathe slowly and deeply for 4 minutes.

  • Lift your arms above your head. Close your eyes and then look downard toward your chest. Breathe deeply and slowly for 4 minutes.

  • Inhale deeply and hold the breath for 7 seconds while tightening your entire body. Exhale with power and force. Imagine all critical thoughts and limiting beliefs leaving. Do this a total of 4 times.

  • Place your hands back into your lap interlaced with thumbs side by side on top.

  • Inhale deeply. On the exhale - Chant - Om Shukraya Namah (pronounced Ohm-shoo-krah-ya-nahm-ah-ah)

  • Repeat the chant at least 4 times while focusing on how powerful the vibrations from your voice are.

Ending the Self love Meditation

I prefer to end all of my meditations with gratitude and I encourage all of you to do the same. Since I understand we all believe differently - I don't want to tell you who to express gratitude to. For the final step, I think it's best to do it a way that aligns with your beliefs and values.

The final step is to express gratitude to whoever you express gratitude to for the ability to choose love and compassion over all else.

It's my hope that you find this Self love meditation beneficial. It was modified from a book written by a Vedic Astrologer. As a Reiki Master and student of Vedic Astrology, I have adapted and merged many techniques together to harness the power of the Individual Self and the Collective Self.


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