Why You're Feeling Another Person's Energy

Many people will tell you that feeling another person’s energy means you are an empath but that isn’t 100% true.  We are all feeling each other’s energy all of the time.  Empaths feel it like it is their own feeling and that’s very different from how we all feel someone else’s energy.

Taking on someone’s energy or even their problems is something I often hear people say they want to put a stop to.  It doesn’t work like that though.  You’re feeling another person’s energy because you are a person.  We are all feeling and exchanging energy with each other (and everything around us) all of the time.

Feeling another person’s energy

Feeling another person’s energy, either taking it on or not, is a normal part of being human.  We are energetic beings and we naturally take on and project out energies.  Every single one of us does this without knowing it.  It’s just part of being human.

We all walk around taking on energy from other people.  

This is an energetic exchange that occurs without us having to think about it.  We don’t and can’t have control over it.  That means we can’t stop taking on another person’s energy.  The best we can hope to do is observe the energy we are taking on and learn how to not over-identify with it.

This unconscious energy exchange isn’t just taking place in person either.  It happens anytime you engage with someone else or something they have put their energy into. This means it happens when you are reading someone’s posts or comments and when you pass them on the street.  

It’s also not something we should want to stop from happening.  Not only because it would be a futile endeavor but also because it’s what helps us understand each other.  

Feeling another person’s energy is like a super power if we know how to handle it.  

It can help us know when something is wrong with our partner or when our friend needs a helping hand.  It can help us sense what our boss needs and can also help us choose which people we want to bring into our life.  It’s often a huge part of what attracts or repels us.

How you take on energy from other people

Each of us takes on different types of energy from other people.  It’s just how we are designed to be.  Not only do we take on this energy from others but we also amplify it.  This often can help us feel out of control or like we are having intense emotions for no reason.

Some of us take on the emotions of others.

Some of us take on the stress of others

Some of us take on the fears of others.

Some of us take the drive and ambition of others.

Some of us take on inspirations from others.

Some of us take on all of those energies from others plus more!

The energies that live inside you can tell us what types of energies you take on from others and conversely what energies you are projecting out into the world.

Just like we take on energy from others, we also project it out into the world.  Each of us projects out certain energies and takes on certain energies.  This natural dynamic is the reason that you’re feeling another person’s energy.

You are actually supposed to feel another person’s energy.

What to do about taking on another person’s energy

Even though you’re supposed to feel another person’s energy, you aren’t supposed to take it on or absorb it.  

We are so disconnected from our own energies and the present moment that it makes it difficult to notice these energy exchanges happening but that’s all we are supposed to do with them.  

We notice them.  It’s in the ebb and flow of the energies that we learn valuable lessons we can apply to our own lives.

That’s why it’s best to just observe the natural movement of the energy in the present moment.  Energy is always moving and the observation of it is all we can do with it.  We can’t stop it from moving.  We can’t protect against isn’t natural rhythms.  

Instead we observe it and learn from it.

How to know what energy you take on from others

Knowing what energies you take on from others is important when it comes to understanding these energetic exchanges when they are happening.  It’s like having a list of things to look for instead of going in blindly.  It can really help you handle taking on the energy of others.

There are two ways to learn what energy you take on from others.  

You can observe the changes in your energy in different situations and around other people.  Once you’ve noticed a long standing pattern, you can explore how you may be taking on that specific energy.  Then you can hone in on observing when you take on that energy and find the commonalities. You’ll have to do that for each energy you are taking on to fully understand it.

If you’re like me and need a shortcut or just think that sounds daunting, you may find this second option more appealing.  You can find out the energies that you take on by looking at the placements of the planets in your birth chart.  If you don’t know how to do that, don’t worry - I can help.  I cover this in custom energy guidance sessions with clients.

So don’t worry if you’re feeling the emotions of others.  Embrace it and observe them. Allow it to make you a better person.


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